apple crumble


I love Fall! Sweaters, jeans, boots, pumpkin, hot cocoa, Thanksgiving, colourful leaves, apples – so much goodness!! Yesterday I took my little man to an organic apple orchard for some apple picking, such a great family activity. Any chance to teach our kids about where food comes from and feel more connected to nature and the amazing nourishment mother earth provides us is a win in my book.

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When we got home we had two bags full of apples so we got to work in the kitchen whipping up some applesauce and apple butter. My parents were over for dinner last night so we also decided to make some apple crumble for dessert. Everyone scarfed it down so I thought I’d share the recipe here so you can put all those seasonal apples to work!  I use a hint of pure maple syrup and then coconut sugar as the sweeteners making it a healthier option than white or brown sugar in most recipes.

Apple Crumble


5-6 apples, peeled, cored and diced

3 tbsp apple cider

1 tbsp oat flour

1 tbsp pure maple syrup

¼ tsp ground ginger

½ tsp cinnamon

a squeeze of fresh lemon juice



½ cup rolled oats

¼ cup oat flour

¼ cup coconut oil

1/3 cup coconut sugar

1 tsp cinnamon

pinch himilayan salt

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a baking dish mix together filling ingredients. In a separate bowl combine topping ingredients until it resembles a crumbly texture and then spread over top of filling. Bake for about 35 minutes, watch that the crumble doesn’t overcook/burn. Serve warm. – The ginger added with cinnamon to this dish creates such an amazing flavour!

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What’s your favourite thing about Fall?

With love,

Kristin xo


//P.S.//  I’ve got 5 spots open to join my wellness group  this week, email me to get your spot!! 30 minutes home workout program, holistic nutrition support, daily high-vibe superfoods, private online Facebook community for daily support, inspiration, resources & accountability to keep you reach your health & wellness goals!  Don’t wait until another New Year’s, use these self-care tools to prioritize your health as an act of soulful self-love!

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