If you were looking for a sign THIS is it!

I have struggled with my weight, yo-yo dieting, resisting exercise (like running in the opposite direction, well k, not running lol) and not feeling confident or happy with who I was because I attached my self-worth with the number on a scale // please, please don’t do that //
Everything changed for me when I had my son – he inspired me to be the very best version of myself for him. And what I’ve realized on this journey over the last 5 years is that when I take the best care of myself, I’m also a better mom because when my cup is full I have more to give him and to the other areas of my life.
What is self-care to me? Exercise, whole food nutrition, surrounding myself with inspirational, supportive people & mindbody support.
THIS is what you get when you join me on this health journey:
✔30 minute home workout program
✔holistic nutrition plan + portion control system to teach you sustainable healthy eating habits
✔nutrient dense daily superfoods
✔private online FB group for accountability, inspiration & support
✔me as your coach
self-care + self-love = vibrant health
There are only 61 days left of 2015, what if instead of feeling weighed down by this holiday season you chose to honour your body, kickstart your resolutions & make positive shifts in your wellbeing?! I will provide you with the tools & support you need to make sustainable lifestyle changes to feel healthy, fit, energized & confident from the inside out!
TODAY is the day! No more excuses – you and your health are worth it! Plus the sale on my favourite program ends TONIGHT so get on that to save $$$  on this awesome 21 Day Program!
Email me for details, I’ll be available all day getting everyone signed up! 👉info@kristinharris.ca 💌

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